In our Private Coaching Sessions I’ll take your overwhelm and troubling thoughts and organize them and make sense of them.

Coaching vs (shadchan) matchmaker or a therapist
As a coach I work with my clients on their goals. That means that together we work on the present and the future. We discuss some things from the past, as they do in therapy, but we don’t dwell on it. Whatever happened in the past has happened and we can’t change it, but we can learn from it.
A matchmaker is usually mostly interested in getting people married. My goal is to get my clients to stay married with meaningful and lasting relationships. We use skills and tools that are needed in marriage so, instead of feeling stuck when challenging times arise, my clients can take their learned tools from their pocket and work through the challenge.
Coaching sessions with me include personal conversations, guided imagery, modalities like NLP, CBT and EFT, simulations and above all my intuition.
The purpose of my work is to accompany singles to the good and long lasting relationships they really want.